Photographing Asia: Images of Russia’s Orient and the Far East in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Workshop 16.-18. September 2015 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Sammlung von Prokudin-Gorskij, 1915 aufgenommen, auf der Murmansker Eisenbahn. Fotograf unbekannt, denn Prokudin-Gorskij ist selbst abgelichtet. Quelle: Library of Congress Prokudin-Gorskii Collection.
No known restrictions on publication.
Der Lehrstuhl Russland/Asienstudien der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München veranstaltet in Kooperation mit der Graduiertenschule für Ost- und Südosteuropastudien (München/Regensburg) und dem Lehrstuhl für osteuropäische Geschichte der Universität Basel einen internationalen Workshop zum Thema „Photographing Asia: Images of Russia’s Orient and the Far East in the 19th and 20th centuries“.
Der Workshop wird vom 16.-18. September 2015 an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität stattfinden.
Wen das nachfolgende Programm interessiert, ist herzlich willkommen, aber möge sich bitte vorher per Email bei Kornelia Hohenadler ( anmelden.
Preliminary Programme
Wednesday, September 16th
19:00-20:30 Keynote Lecture: Opening New Spaces: Far Lands and their Peoples in Russian Photography of the Second Half of the 19th Century
Elena Barkhatova, Saint Petersburg
Thursday, September 17th
09:30-10:00 Introduction
Laura Elias, Basel & Andreas Renner, Munich
10.00-12:30 Panel I: Images of Russian Colonial Turkestan
Photographing Central Asia under Russian Rule
Inessa Kouteinikova, Amsterdam
Orden, Appropriation & Image Stock: Marketing Photography of Russian Colonial Central Eurasia
Heather Sonntag, Wisconsin
Konstantin von Kaufmann: Photography, One of the Tools of the Invention of the Cultural Heritage in Russian Turkestan
Svetlana Gorshenina, Lausanne
Laura Elias, Basel
14:00-17:00 Panel II: Picturing Space
On the Road to Nowhere: Environment and Image-Making on Semireche’s Postroads
Jennifer Keating, London
Photographing Landscape and People. Political Exiles and Visual Representations of Sibiria in Late Imperial Russia
Tatiana Saburova, Omsk
KVGD (Chinese-Eastern Railroad) as a Photo Genre in the Creation of the Visual Image of the Russian Orient
Viktoriya Sukovata, Kharkiv
To Know your Country, Son. Photographs of “Periphery”, Asia and Caucasus, in the Image Books of Heir of Romanovs. 1870-1900s
Irina Chmyreva, Moscow
Benjamin Schenk, Basel
18:00-19:30 Evening Lecture: Picturing Peripheries of the Empire: The Project of Visual Fatherland-Studies by Prokudin-Gorskii
Tetsuo MOCHIZUKI, Sapporo
Friday, September 18th
09.30-12:45 Panel III: Central Asia in Soviet Imagery
Framing the Religious Other: Buddhism and Islam in Late Imperial and Early Soviet Photography
Ivan Sablin, Saint Petersburg & Marina Zimina, Saint Petersburg
Everyday Life in Motion. Photographs of the Central Asian Expedition, 1926-29
Anja Burghardt, Munich
A Textbook Example of Modernization: The Album “10 Years Uzbek SSR”, 1935/36
Helena Holzberger, Munich
Orient in my Album: Central Asia in Soviet Amateur Travel Photography
Oksana Sarkisova, Budapest
Ada Raev, Bamberg
14:30-16:00 History and Photography
Jens Jäger, Cologne
16:00-17:00 Conclusions and Perspectives
Kontakt: Kornelia Hohenadler (