Queerying Polska
Intervention in Humanities, Activism and Art since 1970 - Workshop Universität Siegen 26.-27.10.2017

Grafik: Maria Hauf © mit freundlicher Genehmigung
The workshop “Queerying Polska – Interventions in humanities, activism and art since 1970” is on the 26th and 27th of October, which is organised by the chairs of Media History/Visual Culture and Contemporary European History since 1945, at the University of Siegen.
Our main goal is to create a network for academic exchange and to get an overview of the current field of research. Research projects of all kind of disciplines concerning the history of gender and sexuality in Poland as well as queer interventions shall be presented and discussed.
Topic of the workshop is the history of gender and sexuality in Poland since 1970: Which roll played gay and lesbian activism in Poland during real socialism? Where are connections to the women’s movement? Which influence had the transformation and the access to the EU concerning the LGBT*-community in Poland? Alongside this we would like to discuss the role of pictures in the discourse about homosexuality in Poland. What meaning have and had pictures for processes of Othering in Poland? How important are and were artistic and amateur practices to question heteronormativity?
If you want to participate please register until the 1st of October 2017 via Mail to austermann@medienwissenschaft.uni-siegen.de and/or tim_veith@posteo.de
Dr. Lukasz Szulc, LSE London
Corinna Kühn, WWU Münster
Julia Austermann, University of Siegen
Tim Veith, University of Siegen
Katharina Kinga Kowalski, EUV Frankfurt/Oder
Magda Wlotowska, University of Leipzig
Jennifer Ramme, EUV Frankfurt/Oder
Chair of Media History/Visual Culture
Herrengarten 3, Room 116
University of SiegenPhone: + 49 271 – 740 2048
Mail: austermann@medienwissenschaft.uni-siegen.de
Scholar, The Green Political Foundation (Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung)
Contemporary European History
University of SiegenMail: tim_veith@posteo.de
Centre of Gender Studies
University of Siegen