Photojournalism and the archive: from analogue to digital
Special issue of TMG Journal for Media History - Volume 25 - Issue 1 - 2022

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This special issue of TMG Journal for Media History examines what happens to pictures of the news and the way(s) we can see them when they are moved from the analogue to the digital realm. What do researchers of photojournalism gain and lose when the photographs we study are made accessible in a digital form? What kind of questions can we ask in and of the digital photojournalistic archive? Can computational techniques provide new kinds of access to and identify visual patterns in digitised photojournalistic collections? How does this change our understanding of the history of photojournalism?
Thomas Smits and Saskia Asser: The Great Unseen. Photojournalism and the Archive: From Analogue to Digital (read article)
Helen Lewandowski: “‘all the News That’s Fit to Print“: Analysing Everyday Photography in the New York Times, 2000 to 2020 (read article)
Melvin Wevers, Nico Vriend and Alexander de Bruin: What to Do with 2.000.000 Historical Press Photos? the Challenges and Opportunities of Applying a Scene Detection Algorithm to a Digitised Press Photo Collection (read article)
Saskia Asser: Spaarnestad: Biography of an Analogue Press Photo Archive (read article)
Tom Allbeson and Bronwen Colquhoun: Page, Print, JPEG: Researching and Curating Picture Post, Its History and Publics (read article)
Eva Kraus and Regina Retter: How to Digitise 15 Million Press Photos: The STERN Photo Archive at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (read article)
Gaia Salvatori: The News in Pictures. Press Photographs and Illustrations in Twentieth-century Neapolitan Archives (read article)
Thomas Smits: The Decisive Network: Magnum Photos and the Postwar Image Market (read article)
Emil Stjernholm: Lund Film Society and Interwar Cultural Propaganda (read article)
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