Nomadic Camera. Photography, Displacement and Dis:connectivities
International workshop (hybrid) at the Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect at the LMU Munich in cooperation with Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften (ZeM), Potsdam, 13–15 June 2023

Grafik aus dem Buch: Erich Stenger, Die Geschichte der Kleinbildkamera bis zur Leica, Wetzlar 1949 S. 16
Processes of migration and flight after 2015 and their depiction, perception and distribution through photography are the starting point of “Nomadic Camera”. We seek to investigate the relationship of photography and contemporary migration in technology, the media and aesthetics in addition to historical exile and flight as the pivotal discursive setting in which specific forms of mobility extending from the mid-19th century to today have been negotiated.
The concept adapts the term “nomadic” — a transitory form of existence — beyond static concepts of being and national boundaries (Demos 2017). “Nomadism” refers to a form of mobility that converges with and diverges from other terms, such as “travel”, “displacement” and “exile” (Kaplan 1996). At the same time, displacements are intrinsically related to connective and disconnective experiences, including place-making and belonging, ruptures between life and work in the past and present, experiences of loss and challenges of beginnings.
“Nomadic Camera” will centre around the following questions: how do dislocations interconnect with the technical evolution of photography as a mobile medium? How do camera technologies presuppose and affect the visual formulation of exile, migration and flight experiences? What modifications in aesthetics and style, methods and practices of photography do temporary mobility, geographical relocation and resettlement imply?
Tuesday, 13 June 2023
Venue: Historisches Kolleg, Munich
18:00 Annual Lecture of the Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect / Keynote “Nomadic Camera” by
T. J. Demos (Santa Cruz)
Globalization, Dis/connection, and Migration: Critical Visual Cultures and Climates of Capital
Wednesday, 14 June 2023
Venue: Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect
09:30 Welcome Address and Introduction (Burcu Dogramaci, Winfried Gerling, Jens Jäger, Birgit Mersmann)
Panel 1 Techniques and Technologies
Chairs: Annette Vowinckel, Winfried Gerling
10:00 Svea Bräunert (Potsdam)
Photography with a Little Bit of Motion, Film at a Standstill: The Stream of Migrant Images
10:45 Fabienne Liptay (Zurich)
The Camera in the Service of Humanism and the Legacies of Neorealism
11:30 Coffee break
12.00 Noemi Quagliati (Munich)
Reflections on Photography and Flight
12.45 Florian Krautkrämer (Lucerne)
The Given Camera. Contemporary Documentary Concepts in the Context of Flight and Migration
13:30 Lunch break
Panel 2 Body, Agents, and Performativity
Chairs: Burcu Dogramaci, Annette Vowinckel
14.45 Lara Bourdin (Montréal)
“I am not migrating to the USA”: Performing migrancy in Paulo
Nazareth’s Notícias de América
15.30 Sabrina Moura (São Paulo/Munich, remote)
Albert Frisch’s Representations of the Body in Early Amazonian Photography
16.15 Coffee break
16.45 Evelyn Runge (Cologne)
The Nomadic Camera and Digital Visual Journalism: Ethical Considerations in the Making
17.30 Mette Sandbye (Copenhagen)
Acting for those we left behind. The performance and exchange of family photographs by guest workers in Denmark in the 1970s
18.15 Talk with film director Fatimah Dadzie (Ghana, remote)
Venue: Arena Filmtheater
19.30 Film screening Fati’s Choice (Le choix de Fati), Ghana/South Africa, 2021, Director: Fatimah Dadzie, 45 min., English/English subtitle
Thursday, 15 June 2023
Venue: Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect
Panel 3 Media Narrations and Narratives
Chairs: Birgit Mersmann, Eva Troelenberg
09.30 Anna Messner (Düsseldorf)
“Nowhere in Africa”? German-Jewish Experiences of Migration and Exile in Kenya. A Family Photo Album
10.15 Sandra Mooser (Bern)
Nomadic Nollywood – Re-Narrating Migrant Stories
11:00 Coffee break
11.30 Ainslie Murray (Sydney)
The Registry of Itinerant Architectures
12:15 Christina Tente (Gothenburg)
Nomads and Spectres. Framing homelessness in pandemic photography
13:00 Lunch break
Panel 4 Circulation, Archive, and Memory
Chairs: Eva Troelenberg, Jens Jäger
14:30 Helene Roth (Munich)
A Living Archive of Émigré Photographers in New York
15:15 Zeynep Gürsel (New Brunswick, remote)
Portraits of Unbelonging: Photographing Never and Policing Return
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Estelle Blaschke (Basel)
Travelling Images, Disrupted Innovation: Emanuel Goldberg’s Contribution to the Modern History of Photography
17:15 Elizabeth Edwards (Leicester)
Moving Archives and Liquid times: The work of Photographs in an Age of Decomposition
13 June 2023, Annual Lecture of global dis:connect / Keynote “Nomadic Camera”
Historisches Kolleg
Kaulbachstraße 15
80539 Munich
14/15 June 2023, Workshop “Nomadic Camera”
Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect
Maria-Theresia-Str. 21
81675 Munich
14 June 2023
Film screening Fati’s Choice
Arena Filmtheater
Hans-Sachs-Str. 7
80469 Munich
Registration until 4 June 2023
On registration you may indicate whether you would like to participate via Zoom or on site. You will receive a link before the event.
Nomadic Camera. Photography, Displacement and Dis:connectivities
International workshop (hybrid) at the Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect at the LMU Munich in cooperation with Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften (ZeM), Potsdam
13–15 June 2023
Organisers: Burcu Dogramaci (Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect, LMU Munich), Winfried Gerling (European Media Studies – University of Applied Sciences Potsdam/University Potsdam and Brandenburg Centre for Media Studies (ZeM), Potsdam), Jens Jäger (University of Cologne) and Birgit Mersmann (University of Bonn)