Press Photography Now!
Online Talks & International Symposium Photojournalism in the 20th Century – Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 27 May, 3, 10, 17 and 24 June 2021, 2 July 2021

Screenshot Rijksmuseum: Press Photography now! [25.05.2021]
Thursdays 27 May, 3, 10, 17 and 24 June 2021 / 3-4 pm CEST / € 5
In five online talks with international experts, we will discuss current themes in photojournalism from a historical perspective.
For more information and registration, please visit our website. And of course, feel free to forward this invitation to any of your contacts who might be interested.

Dutch Foreign Minister Joseph Luns takes leave of The Hague to become Secretary General of NATO, 28 April 1971, Photo: Vincent Mentzel (NRC Handelsblad), Collection: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam (detail)
Online Symposium on Photojournalism
Friday 2 July 2021 / 9.30 am-5 pm CEST / € 20 / € 10 (students)
The Photo Morgue, The New York Times’ legendary photo archive, is so well known that ‘morgue’ has become a synonym for ‘press archive’. However, press photos in archives are far from dead. Digitisation gives them a second life online and makes a new history of photojournalism possible.
Our symposiumwill focus on the new field of research that has emerged thanks to the online publication of press photo archives.For more information and registration, please visit our website. And of course, feel free to forward this invitation to any of your contacts who might be interested.