HistorioGRAPHICS. Framing the Past in Comics
International Conference June 15-17, 2023 in Munich, Germany
This international conference sets out to critically assess the current state of research on graphic narrative as means of writing – and drawing – history and of examining, representing, and engaging with the past.

Screenshot conference website historioGRAPHICS https://historiographics.com [12.06.2023]
The comprehensive conference program promises to generate fruitful insights for the transdisciplinary discourses on comics as part of public and academic history. We aim to facilitate exchange among researchers, artists, and educators. In 22 panels on a range of topics, from Indigenous history and representations of the Holocaust to legal history, legacies of colonialism, and many more, the international line-up of scholars will discuss historioGRAPHICS from multiple disciplinary and professional perspectives.
We look forward to a keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Hillary L. Chute (Northeastern University) on Thursday (June 15), a podium conversation with artist Barbara Yelin (Munich) and Prof. Dr. Charlotte Schallié (University of Victoria) on Friday (June 16), as well as a practical comics workshop with artist Sheree Domingo (Berlin) on Saturday (June 17).
For more information see the conference website: https:/
14:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks
15:00 Panel Round I
1. HistorioGRAPHICS of Visual Art
– Bongers, Helene L. (FU Berlin): Art HistorioGRAPHICS: Imagined (Hi)stories of Artifacts and Art works in Museum Comics
– Juko, Maria (Independent): Visualising The First Female Filmmaker: Alice Guy-Blaché and the History of Cinema
2. Enslavement and Rebellion
– Kuhlman, Martha (Bryant University): Awakening history: Rebecca Hall’s historiography of women-led slave revolts-
– Olsza, Małgorzata (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań):
Kyle Baker’s Nat Turner as Graphic “Rememory”
3. Perspectives on Chinese History
– Pozzi, Laura (University of Warsaw): Mnemo Comics: The San Mao comics strips as Agents of History and Memory in The People’s Republic of China
– Stember, Nick (University of Cambridge): Demon Shadow Under the Mysterious Buddha: Spectral Hauntings and the Karmic Dialecticms
17:00 Panels Round II
4. Un/framing the Past: Comics in Recent History Exhibitions (Collaborative Talk)
– Eggert, Barbara M. (University of Art and Design Linz)
– Králova, Hana (National Museum Peague)
– Piehl, Jona (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin)
5. (Hi)Storytelling between Fact and Fiction
– Precup, Mihaela (University of Bucharest): “All hail storytellers”: Graphic Reflections on History and Conflict in Rutu Modan’s Tunnels
– Polak, Kate (Florida Atlantic University): Historio-Metagraphics: Towards a Historical Poetics of the Gutter
– Bartosch, Sebastian (Independent): A Different History: Factual and Fictional Framings of Comics as a Medium in Seth’s The Great Northern Brotherhood of Canadian Cartoonist
6. Re-imagining “Contact” Narratives
– Gandolfo, Amadeo (FU Berlin): It’s The End of the World as We Know it: Depicting the Conquest of the Americas in Oski’s Vera Historia de Indias
– Paryż, Marek (University of Warsaw): Depictions of Puritan America in European Comics: Indian Summer by Hugo Pratt and Milo Manara and Metacom by Jacek Widor
– Zukowski, Scott (University of Graz): Ghost River and the Archive: A Graphic Novel’s Reshaping of the Historiographic Record
19:00 Public Keynote Lecture
Hillary L. Chute (Northeastern University): „Comics at the End of the World“
The Keynote lecture will be streamed live on the Amerikahaus Munich channel
FRIDAY, June 16
10:00 Panels Round III
7. Latin American Dictatorships
– Turnes, Pablo (FU Berlin): What we did in the dark: memory, horror and restitution in post-dictatorial Argentine comics
– Faust-Scalisi, Mario (University of Bayreuth): Fighting about the interpretation of history – Allende and Pinochet in Chilean comics
– Guzmán, Alfredo (Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico): The Sound of the Fragile Voices (Memory and State violence in ESMA)
8. Renegotiating Histories of Colonialism
– Lambert, Alicia (UC Louvain): Can the Graphic Witness Speak? Agency, Dignity, and Subjectivity in Lucha, chronique d’une révolution sans armes au Congo
– Langeveld, Eeva (Radboud University): Challenging Histories of Colonialism: Germany’s Empire (1884–1919) in Contemporary Comics
– Gattey, Emma (University of Cambridge): Comics as Radical Pedagogy: Retelling the History of Settler Colonialism at the Zenith of New Zealand’s Neoliberal Reforms
9. Displacement and Internment Camps in Australian History
– Aaron Humphrey (University of Adelaide): Displacement Drawings: A Century of Autobiographical Comics
– Guillaume Vétu (University of Adelaide): Refugee Art and Political Cartoons: Visual Evidence of Australia’s 21st century border regime
– Simon Walsh (University of Adelaide): “A Good Little German in Kangarooland: Pioneering autobiographical comics from an Australian World War I internment camp”
12:00 Panels Round IV
10. Race, Gender, and Popular Education in Latin America
– Bedoya, Malena (University of Manchester): Domitila in transit: Comics, Popular Education, and Liberation Theology in Colombia and Peru (1970-1980)
– Scorer, James (University of Manchester): “Racial frontier”: Tracing the Racial Frontier: Indigeneity, Development, and Nineteenth-Century Expansionism in Argentine Comics
– Roncalla, Rafael García (University of Bielefeld): Don’t cry and be brave: Memorialization of marginalized masculinities in Ya nadie te sacará de tu tierra
11. Comics and Media of Memory
– Kutch, Lynn Marie (University of Kutztown): The Masterful Depiction of Personal Experience and Collective History in Birgit Weyhe’s Reigen
– Böger, Astrid: Memory to Memoir (Hamburg University): 3G Graphic Memoirs of the Holocaust
– Sutter, Malaika (University of Bern): A Textile Comic: Text(ile)-Image Combinations in Esther Nisenthal Krinitz’s Memories of Survival (1977–1998)
12. Drawing (on) National Narratives
– Puaca, Brian M. (Christopher Newport University): Challenging a Nation and a Profession: Trauma and Responsibility in Shigeru Mizuki’s Showa
– Fägersten, Kristy Beers (Södertörn University): “Rocky” and history. Humor and historical references in the Swedish comic strip Rocky
– Renard, Margot (University of Ghent): Comics authors as new historians? Reinvesting the past and writing history in contemporary French historical comics
15:00 Panels Round V
13. Framing Indigenous Histories in North America
– Webster-Parmentier, Bethany (Europa-Universität Flensburg): “Re- and De-framing Reconciliation and Resurgence in This Place: 150 Years Retold.”
– Schneider, Henrik Jaron (University of Texas Austin): Written in Stone: Representations of Prehistory and Post-War Land-Use Politics on the Colorado Plateau
– Escobar Hernández, Karla L (MPI Legal History, Frankfurt): Translating legal-historical research into comic language: a case study on the history of indigena legal practices in Colombia (Cauca) at the beginning of the 20th century
14. Pre-Modern Warfare
– Woock, Elizabeth Allyn (Palacký University, Olomuc): Medieval warfare as aesthetic hyperobject in comics
– MacInnes, Iain (University of the Highlands and Islands): Comic Depictions of The Hundred Years’ War
– Manea, Dragoș (University of Bucharest): “I Will Always Be the King of Greenland”: Fantasy, Conversion, and Resistance in Søren Mosdal’s Erik the Red: King of Winter and Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli’s “Metal”
15. Comics in the Capitalocene
– Dominic Davies: Graphic Capitaloscenes (City University London): Drawing Infrastructure as Historical Form
– Reed Puc (City University London): Ourselfriends, Ourselves: The X-Men and the Development of Posthuman Ecologies in American Culture
– Ernesto Priego (City University London): Lockdown, Memory, Survival and Post- Apocalyptic Urban Ecologies In the Capitalocene: Oesterheld’s and Solano López’s El Eternauta
19:00 Podium Conversation
Barbara Yelin (Munich) and Charlotte Schallié (University of Victoria)
“Witnessing – Remembering – Drawing: A Conversation about But I Live and Drawing Holocaust Memories”
10:00 Panels Round VI
16. HistorioGRAPHICS in Practice
– Dimitrova, Kremena (University of Portsmouth): The aesthetics of historying: Comics- based research as a contemporary form of decolonial resistance.
– Wolff, Lynn L. (Michigan University): The Transmedial Translation of Holocaust Testimony (A Digital Work in Progress)
– Pollard, Alexander J. (University of Brighton): The Tangent Factories
17. Graphic Presentations of Holocaust Memoirs and Research
– Löw, Andrea (Zentrum für Holocaust-Studien am IfZ, München): „But I Live“: Graphic Presentations of Stories of Survival and Memory.
– Sterling, Brett E. (University of Arkansas): Collaborative Testimony and Visual Narratives of the Holocaust in But I Live
– Siemsglüß, Wiebke (Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site): The comic workshop “Comic Memories. Das KZ Dachau im Comic” at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site.
18. Female Agency
– Pollard, Elizabeth Ann (San Diego University): Sabine Women, Conniving War-Time Empresses, and a Martyr’s Voice – Comics about Rome and Roman Historiography
– Rout, Deblina (Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad): The Woman Question: Analysing Historical Ruptures through Graphic Narratives by Indian Women
– Wrobel, Jasmin (FU Berlin): Memory, Multimedia Archives and the ‘Disappeared’ as a Multidirectional Category in Nacha Vollenweider’s Notas al pie
13:00 Panels Round VII
19. (Re-)Drawing Race in the United States
– Santesso, Esra Mirze (University of Georgia): “From Muslim to Muselmann: Writing History from the Margins in Guantanamo Comics”
– Gruber, Eva (Konstanz University): Cape or Hood? Reflections on Superheroes and America’s History of Racial Intolerance in Gene Luen Yang and Gurihuru’s Superman Smashes the Klan (2019)
– Nichols, Roger L. (University of Arizona): The Cartoon Indian and American History
20. War Comics between Mythmaking and History
– Connor, Stephen (Nipissing University): “Breaking the Final Taboo: Garth Ennis, War Comics and the Myth of the Clean Wehrmacht.”
– Earle, Harriet E. H. (Sheffield Hallam University): The Remediation of Mỹ Lai in Vietnam War Comics
– Ribbens, Kees (University of Rotterdam): Narrating war to new audiences: shaping history between imagination and documentation
21. History and the City
– Balestrino, Alice (Università di Roma Tre): At Home in History. Inhabiting the Past in Nora Krug’s Belonging and Art Spiegelman’s In the Shadow of No Towers.
– Rossi, Umberto (Sapienza University Rome): Take A Walk on Dropsie Avenue: Urban History in Will Eisner’s A Contract With God
– Simonetti, Paolo (Sapienza University Rome): Building (His)Stories: Genealogy, Archaeology, Temporality in Chris Ware and Richard McGuire
14.30 Closing Remarks
16:00-20:00 Workshop
Practical Comics Workshop with Sheree Domingo (Berlin)
(Munich Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism)
Organizer: Amerika-Institut Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Europa-Universität Flensburg Department of English and American Studies (Amerikahaus München, NS-Dokumentationszentrum München)
Amerikahaus München, NS-Dokumentationszentrum München
Funded by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Bayerische Amerika Akademie (BAA), Gesellschaft für Comicforschung (ComFor)
Contact: historiographics@mail.de
Website: https://historiographics.com